3. Nature Of Light

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Light enables us to see the world around us and this sensation of vision has led to a fascination with the nature and properties of light. Light shows the dual nature of particle and wave. This wave-particle duality holds that light exhibits the properties of both of particles and of wave. The dual nature of light means that, in some experiments, light behaves as a particle whereas in other experiments, light behaves as a wave also.
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Light has particle nature as it consists of tiny massless energy packets like particles called photons. The photoelectric effect or photo-emission experiment had strongly supported the particle nature of light and these particles are the photons and the flow of these photon is like a wave.
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Light is a transverse, electromagnetic wave that can be seen by the typical human. The wave nature of the light was first illustrated through the experiments on diffraction and interference. Like all electromagnetic waves, light can travel through a vacuum but it has a transverse nature by which it was demonstrated through a polarization experiment.
